W H A T D O Y O U G E T W H E N Y O U M U L T I P L Y S E V E N B Y S I XmrcentipedeJuly 24 2007, 08:01:17 UTC
I just looked at it. I didn't have the stomach to give the summation a truly thorough reading, but I get the gist of it. Just from that description, which might not be fair, I am reaffirmed in my belief that too many people give up when they shouldn't, and not enough people give up when they should.
One thing I am confused about is the fact that whoever republished the thing didn't actually bother to correct or edit it. Stouffer, who is going by the name N.K. Stouffer, claims that better editing and proof-reading will give her a second chance, however, the quality of writing on her site doesn't fill me with any desire to actually read the creepy looking thing.
I do think it would be a good idea to write and publish a series of total garbage children's books with dozens upon dozens of characters with common names, so that when somebody does publish something a few years later that happens to actually use those name, I will be in a prime position to sue them. I'm not saying Stouffer intentionally did this, though, because she is not in a prime position to sue anybody.
Wait- Your brother isn't a Mirror of Opposition Doppleganger?
I just looked at it. I didn't have the stomach to give the summation a truly thorough reading, but I get the gist of it. Just from that description, which might not be fair, I am reaffirmed in my belief that too many people give up when they shouldn't, and not enough people give up when they should.
One thing I am confused about is the fact that whoever republished the thing didn't actually bother to correct or edit it. Stouffer, who is going by the name N.K. Stouffer, claims that better editing and proof-reading will give her a second chance, however, the quality of writing on her site doesn't fill me with any desire to actually read the creepy looking thing.
I do think it would be a good idea to write and publish a series of total garbage children's books with dozens upon dozens of characters with common names, so that when somebody does publish something a few years later that happens to actually use those name, I will be in a prime position to sue them. I'm not saying Stouffer intentionally did this, though, because she is not in a prime position to sue anybody.
Wait- Your brother isn't a Mirror of Opposition Doppleganger?
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