Sorry about not replying to this message... Sometimes I have a tendency to try and think it over, before posting so that I can write coherently. And, school keeps me kind of busy (I should be doing homework now... XP ).
To get cracking... *snort* Bwahahaha! Asian fairy... honestly, I remember drawing this: when I graduated from High school, and despite how stereotypical (and, pretty old) it is, I kind of feel like mine is better. Then again, I guess it is because I'm Asian so... eh.
As for the question, I think it's great if people learned to draw people of other ethnicities... only if they are NOT stereotyped or just haphazardly drawn from what's already stereotyped (like, that 'cartoonist extraordinaire' there). I mean, a real artist would use photographs and models of people in REAL-LIFE to draw, and if they do that, that's cool. But, then the question would be if they get the image and personality of the 'character' right? Or, not in a way that mocks an entire group? I have to admit, I was drawing nothing but pale-skinned characters, in anime-style, until Avatar came. And that show inspired me to draw some heroes of darker skin-color.
Nahh... I don't think you were a stupid kid... I think you didn't notice. It was the same for me. Though, I remember watching that North movie, and didn't know that the 'Inuits' in the background were 'brown-faced' until I found out today. Man, was I horrified. Plus, every other movie I just thought was entertainment had some really subtle, racist stuff that I didn't realized until someone pointed it out. Not to mention, I always assumed that whenever certain people 'act like that,' I think of it as their 'personality' and not how it's suppose to be 'true' to the stereotype. Kind of like, I know not all Black-Americans listen to rap, or speak like that. Nowadays, I'm probably a little too sensitive when people poke fun at my culture, or at my heritage (or, in the case of Japanophiles/crazy anime fans, go crazy just because 'OH HAY! JAPAN!' *facepalm*).
Sometimes I have a tendency to try and think it over, before posting so that I can write coherently. And, school keeps me kind of busy (I should be doing homework now... XP ).
To get cracking...
*snort* Bwahahaha! Asian fairy... honestly, I remember drawing this: when I graduated from High school, and despite how stereotypical (and, pretty old) it is, I kind of feel like mine is better. Then again, I guess it is because I'm Asian so... eh.
As for the question, I think it's great if people learned to draw people of other ethnicities... only if they are NOT stereotyped or just haphazardly drawn from what's already stereotyped (like, that 'cartoonist extraordinaire' there). I mean, a real artist would use photographs and models of people in REAL-LIFE to draw, and if they do that, that's cool. But, then the question would be if they get the image and personality of the 'character' right? Or, not in a way that mocks an entire group? I have to admit, I was drawing nothing but pale-skinned characters, in anime-style, until Avatar came. And that show inspired me to draw some heroes of darker skin-color.
Nahh... I don't think you were a stupid kid... I think you didn't notice. It was the same for me.
Though, I remember watching that North movie, and didn't know that the 'Inuits' in the background were 'brown-faced' until I found out today. Man, was I horrified. Plus, every other movie I just thought was entertainment had some really subtle, racist stuff that I didn't realized until someone pointed it out. Not to mention, I always assumed that whenever certain people 'act like that,' I think of it as their 'personality' and not how it's suppose to be 'true' to the stereotype. Kind of like, I know not all Black-Americans listen to rap, or speak like that. Nowadays, I'm probably a little too sensitive when people poke fun at my culture, or at my heritage (or, in the case of Japanophiles/crazy anime fans, go crazy just because 'OH HAY! JAPAN!' *facepalm*).
And, yes. I'm a girl. :P
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