Dec 10, 2005 20:17
So the end of the semester starts this week. I don't know when, or where, my finals are. Although I didn't go to class a whole lot, I ended up learning a lot this semester. Not necessarily about school or what was taught in my classes, but about myself. I've also found a fucking awesome group of friends to hang out with. We've decided to stop our shitty ways and go straight, and I've been going to the gym trying to rediscover my athleticism. It'll be tough, but worth it I think.
For winter break I'll be living at Jillian's and I'm pretty excited for it. I got a job which means disposable income, which will be nice. Then we will both be heading to the wintry north towards the middle of January. Speaking of which, during Thanksgiving I saw a lot of people I would have liked to see and had a generally great time. And saw some people I didn't want to see but still had a great time. Ha. Love to Sam, Halla, Matt (I still love you baby), fat John, Chris, Danny, Demers, Krom, etc. And maybe Nicky B even though that haircut was some nightmarish shit. <3.
All in all, things have turned out pretty well. I just hope I can get my shit together for this semester and do better. It looks like I'll be more interested in the courses I picked and will maybe actually go. Well that's just about it, I guess.