Something you would not have expected to read today.

Jan 18, 2006 15:25

Sometimes I go to my parents' house to pick up some of my old books or store things I don't feel like hanging on to at my place (until they do something with my old room, the space is still mine to use).  Invariably The Kansas City Star will be out on the table.  The Metropolitan section will be on top and it will be open to the Opinion pages.  My dad likes to read things that will probably irritate him.  Today's Letters to the Editor had a real humdinger from one Will FitzPatrick of KC:

Kansans' resistance to seat-belt laws is completely understandable.  This insulting effort by government to intrude on the private driving habits of citizens can only be justified by an ungodly pseudoscientific belts-prevent-deaths-and-injury theory.  It contains unexplained gaps in reasoning, ignores the irreducibly complex circumstances of motor vehicle transportation and flouts countless laws of physical science.
But, more important, the people of Kansas know that the use of seat belts is not found anywhere in the Bible.  Their courage in confronting the atheistic, liberal seat-belt industry is commendable.  It is inspirational to know that there are people in this country who would rather drive free and die than be prisoners to their own cars and live.

I couldn't have made that up if I tried.  "Atheistic, liberal seat-belt industry."  You almost have to applaud him for that sentence, just for originality.  Proof positive that the Internet's  patent application for mind-boggling rants is still pending.


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