So I did volunteer hours again today, and I had so much fun as I usually do. The day started really slow, and I thought about going home because I felt kinda sick and sleepy, but then I realized I have to continue busting my ass if I want 100+ hours done for the damn President's Club Award....rrr. Not much happened in the art room today, Ruth was kinda crabby, but I got to start my scrapbook's pages (about 8th grade year) so that was pretty good.
I get a break tomorrow, then I work again Thursday, and I'd love if one of you kiddos
stopped by to say hola to me during my lunch break :)
After lunch I talked to Chris, the really cool and..not to mention slightly dork but cute guy at the front desk. He came and watched the art room while Ruth and everyone was away, so him and I covered his hands in glue and he was gonna let it try so that I'd peel off and he could freak people out with his "chemical burn" (i.e. dried glue). It was hiliarous!! So then I made a bunch of signs and stuck them on his shirt...and then like, 3454353 million other kids put signs on him, so Chris went over the intercom of the Club and annoucned that he was going to be starting a parade! Ahhh...greatt time I had today!
I finished Jessie's clog last night, it's painted sea-foam green
with the words "DUTCH" on it :)
hehe it's the best thing ever.
Ehh...I think I'm really starting to like someone, but at the same time I kinda sorta like someone else, but I like this other person better...and's very confusing.