Dec 26, 2005 20:02
Ho, ho, fucking ho.
So I "got internet back" for Xmas. but every website I'd actually go on (myspace to talk to people mostly) had been blocked like it's a school computer or something. it's wicked gay. I can understand my mom blocking it on my 13 year old sister, who has a picture of herself looking like a 19 year old hooker, and i know I've had some not-so"appropriate" stuff on there but thats me, and if some 47 yr old guy wants to track me down and rape me, so be it. Ive been through worse. And if he wants to kill me, well im a statistic already anyway so what the hell. I havent had too many reasons for living lately anyway.
So to contact me if you want you can email me ( which ill rarely check, or i got a to-go phone, so you can text me there (call my house phone for the numbr)...i cant talk on it unless its someone calling me late at night when they cant call my house to tell me to call them from my house phone. Which I can do and would love to. Cause me and the girls of Sex and the City get lonely and bored being up all night, too fucked up (depression wise, not drug wise) to sleep.
I hope a lot of people see this and comment and think to call me and get my number or text me if they havent already. i could use some attention. Some positive attention.
And myspace back.
odsfjioadfjdamcvdavgafnvianvulfdnvl merry christmas.