Title: Facts And Figures
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Jungmo/Victoria
Genre: AU!Drama, Romance, Minor!Angst
Length: One-shot
Summary: The facts and figures were as plain as day, but still she couldn't face them. Not yet, maybe never.
"How many would it take to never wake up again?" Title: Normal Circumstances
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: HeeChul/VicToria
Genre: AU!General, Romance
Length: One-shot
Summary: He escaped the criminal underlying of his father's role, deciding to leave it all behind. Some things from the past simply refused to.
Everything about her held a risk. Title: Dawn's Silver Lining
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Sungmin/Victoria
Genre: AU!Romance
Length: Drabble (469 Words)
A gamble worth taking.