Jan 26, 2006 10:20
As much as I'm ready to finish with college, there are a couple of things I wish I'd done. For one, I wish I'd had the time...although I suppose I could have gotten a scholarship extension or found a grant or something...to get a degree in mathematics and another language. I really should have taken Spanish over Latin; I'd probably be fluent right now. I also like the mathematical way of thinking and have noticed myself referring back to math terms when trying to map the narratives of the novels I've been critiquing for my thesis. I'm not sure if most people understand, but studying English has destroyed whatever my previous process for reading and analysis was.
Last night I did a brief dissection of A Scanner Darkly, and at first I didn't know I was going to explain anything in my paper. The story is hard enough to understand as it is, mostly through the central question of "Who is the real persona? Bob or Fred?". Well, I found a way to convey that sense of confusion without making my description of the narrative incoherent, and I think my advisor will be able to follow it easily enough. I also did a few simple line drawings of the flow of the narrative on my notepad while on campus yesterday. Not sure whether I'll include them or not though, but they'll guide my explanation of the narrative structure.
Self-reflection seems to be constant for me, at least in the sense that I don't know to "turn off" that part of my brain. I can't wait until this thesis is over so I can focus on the creative projects I've begun. My short story is two scenes from the completion of the first draft and I'm eager to begin revising. I came up with three other ideas for stories this week which I want to sketch out into narratives.
At least the constant self-reflection has led me to the decision to pursue my goal of getting published in some form. Too many afternoons spent stoned on the couch, wondering what I'm going to do with my life...but at least motivation finally struck. Unfortunately, its sapping my interest in my thesis away.
Luckily, this semester, my classes are all proving to be extremely cool, filling my head with so many new ideas. My head was full of Marx yesterday and when I was in my feminism class, the professor brought up briefly a point I'd made in my homework regarding ideological manipulation. I can't wait to get further into game theory in my class on the philosophy of social interaction (aka, politics).
Time to go a lecture on the Tao. Meeting with Women and Gender Studies professor this afternoon about research into identity formation sans body.