Apr 15, 2006 10:52
Goddamn CBS assholes. Making me cancel my 9:10 tee time so we can have a "chat" about my "behavior" lately. Friggin' jerk-offs. It seems that goddamn black announcer doesn't like being called "that goddamn black announcer." Doesn't he know how important I am? Does he think I actually have time to learn his name? So instead of settling this like men with a nice round of fisticuffs, he goes crying to the CBS brass. Who the fuck does this guy think he is? I'm Bob Barker, damn it. With out me, CBS wouldn't be shit. If they think "King Of Queens" and "Two And A Half Men" is going to save their crummy network, they're nuts in the friggin' head.
I bet that fuckin' Chuck Woolery was behind all of this. I don't know how. I can't prove it, but he's be-fuckin'-hind it. He's been gunning for the ol' Bob every since "Lingo" got canceled.
(P.S. - Help control the pet population. Have your pets spayed or neutered.)