Palm did it. They finally made a smart phone that does not suck. I am thrilled that it looks like Palm is set for a comeback.
Behold the Pre.
OK I think I've found my next phone. Sadly for some reason they hung this on Sprint as an exclusive for 6 months. God only knows why. If in the next six months we don't start hearing solid intel the Verizon is getting these I am getting a new phone service. Android sounded like a cool idea, but... Android who? Thank you Palm for bringing what looks like an A game. Please include some sort of emulation to allow me to run my old Palm apps that are not hardware dependent.
Also, Verizon if you even think about locking down this phone or charging me more for my service I will still leave you. There is not a good reason a phone service can't provide me with unlimited data and voice like $60-$80.