Monday Night Football

Nov 01, 2005 08:08

Since the Steelers don't have many opportunities to play a home game on Monday Night Football (last time was in 2002), the organization spiced things up a bit. They brought out the heated benches with the heated helmet warmers... added some fireworks and gave out comemorative Terrible Towells to create a really visual flavor to the stadium. A lot of people watch football on Sunday, but almost everyone watches it on Monday. This was a way to show the world who we are, and what Heinz Field stands for! It was amazing to feel the energy.

Nothing really out of the ordinary happened. I was on the main concourse (section 124) the whole evening and I needed to make sure that the fans didn't kill each other. You'd be surprised how many season ticket holders get into fights. A lot of them are kind of upity, so if a drunk asshole starts acting like a freak in their section, they will become verbal assassins.. lol. I guess they have a right to bitch about an "annoyance", because they pay thousands and thousands of bucks for their awesome seats... but instead of coming to me when there's an issue, they take it into their own hands and I usually end up ejecting both parties. I hate to be a dick, but rules are rules and I don't break them for anyone.

On the way out I did get to talk to Ben Roethlisberger again.... I just told him that he had a good game and he thanked me. Ya, nothing spectacular. It's kind of surreal to be surrounded by professional athletes all the time. Every single day I'm like... DAMN! You get used to it after a while though. It's sort of like going to the grocery store and bumping into many familliar faces, but these familiar faces just happen to be famous million dollar sport figures.


Side note: I guess a bunch of people saw me on the telivision monday night, but I didn't have an opportunity to watch it yet. Pretty cool eh?
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