Jun 07, 2005 16:49
My Grandmother died yesterday afternoon. She broke her leg on Saturday, and the doctors believed that a blood clot had formed while she was recovering. She wasn't getting enough oxygenated blood to her lungs and she started having trouble breathing around 10:45am Monday. Country Meadows rushed her to the hospital and she passed away at 11:02am.
It happened sooooo quick and it was soooo sad. I got a message from my Mom, telling me that Grandma was being taken to the ER and it was critical... then 25 minutes later a representative from the ICU called my cell and urged me to come over as soon as I could. I kind of figured that she was gone, but I didn't really know for sure. I mentally tried to prepare myself, because I knew it was going to be a tough day. When I got there, a nurse took me to a "family room"... and I saw my Mother, Grandpa and Brother balling their eyes out. It was now obvious that Helen didn't make it. After a few minutes, Karen (the councilor) asked us if we wanted to see her. At this point I'm pretty choked up, but still holding my composure. Then, when I stood right in front of her, I remembered all the years she stood by my side. I cried soooo much. I've always been pretty close to my Grandparents, so the image hit me like a freight train.
Pop-pop took it really hard like all of us, but came to the realization that she's now in a better place. The funeral is scheduled for Thursday @ 11am.
Rest In Peace.