
May 08, 2020 18:11

Player Information

Name: Hound
Age: 22
AIM SN: Homocycle
Have you played in an LJ based game before? Yep
Currently Played Characters: Dr. Kirk Langstrom (thebetterbat), Ishida Uryuu (sequincy), Sam Merlotte (deservesabone)
Conditional: Activity Check Link: Here.

Character Information

Canon Source: Fables
Canon Format: Comics
Character's Name: Bigby Wolf, aka "The Big Bad Wolf"
Character's Age: Physically around 36, actually around more than five centuries old
Conditional: If your character is 13 years of age or under, please clarify how they will be played. N/A

What form will your character's NV take? This

Character's Canon Abilities:
. Incredibly powerful sense of smell and heightened hearing.
. Shapeshifting: Can shift voluntarily to man, werewolf or wolf, and can control the aspects of the shift to some extent (Example: can shift only his arms, but can't shift, say, one finger at a time.)
. Rapid healing rate: Bones and innards begin healing right after he's been wounded, but depending on the type of wound it may leave him knocked out for a few hours. (Example: once had four guys unload their pistols into him at point-blank. A few hours later he was fine, if tired.)
. Immortality: Unless he's beheaded, shot with silver or completely burned Bigby won't die.
. Huff and Puff: Can blow powerful winds capable of knocking down trees-- he's speculated that not even a brick house could probably stand up to it now
. Minor control over the wind: Once he's huffed and puffed to, quote, "Show the local winds who's boss", Bigby can control their direction for a while/slow them down.

Along with these supernatural talents, Bigby is an intelligent and observant individual with a talent for understanding motive. He understands battle and strategy, and is good at both. His human form isn't super strong or fast, but he's been displayed as being able to fight well in it. He disdains using weapons to fight and so has no proficiency at them. He also doesn't know how to drive. Due to his powerful nose Bigby constantly chain-smokes, as processing all the conflicting smells of the city would drive him crazy if he didn't. He's also afraid of heights. He'll face them if that's what it takes to get the job done, but he won't like it.

Conditional: If your character has no superhuman canon abilities, what dormant ability will you give them? N/A
Weapons: None.

Character History: Imagine that all those characters from fairy tales and stories you read-- Ali Babbah, Mother Goose, Shere Khan, the Frog Prince, etc. -- are real. Now imagine that they usually live in inter-connected worlds and kingdoms seperate from ours, that the ones with popular stories are immortal, and that there was a huge invasion and war that had a large portion of them coming to our world to seek refuge. Imagine that they maintain a secret community in the middle of Manhattan and a secret stretch of land in upstate New York, and have been here since the colonial period. This is the basis behind the comic series Fables, where the people from the stories are a real race of other-worldly beings who somehow receive supernatural vitality from the popularity of their stories.

Bigby is one of these-- the Big Bad Wolf in particular. He was the son of the North Wind and a wolf named Winter, and he was the runt of the pack. Spurred by his brother's taunting and a desire to kill the father that abandoned his mother, Bigby vowed to grow larger. His prey grew increasingly large, and in return so did he, until he was so great and powerful that he was slaying whole armies sent against him. ...And yes, along the way there were three pigs and a grandmother and red-cloaked girl involved. In fact, it was this experience (in which he had his belly cut open, rocks sewn in, and was thrown in a lake where he stayed for three weeks) that spurred him to hunt only humans. No village or town was safe from him. Then the fable lands were invaded. The armies of the Adversary encroached on his territory, moved into his hunting grounds, and so Bigby joined the fables in working to fight them off. When the fables found retreat their only option and went to set up a refugee camp in the human world, Bigby went along.

After the Exile, Bigby opted to live away from the other Fables and retreated to the Carpathian Mountains, feeding on the villagers and wildlife for a number of years until Snow White went on an expedition to find and invite him to join the budding fable community. Although reluctant to submit to the terms of the community, Bigby had always been intrigued by Snow White, and agreed. He was sliced with a lycanthropy-stained knife to allow him to take human form and went with them.

After that, the big bad wolf reformed. He worked as Fabletown's sheriff and spymaster, keeping the peace and secretly using spies and subterfuge to keep an eye on the Adversary in the Homelands. He was under strict stipulation to prevent him from giving into his ravenous ways again, and was not allowed at the Farm (where the non-human fables live), but for the most part became a trusted member of Fabletown. He has a long history of duties performed, including defending the community from attack, hunting down fables threatening to expose their secret and going on missions to the Homelands.

(Detailed history can be found here)

Point in Canon: Issue #13, before the incident with Baba Yaga
Conditional: Brief summary of previous RP history: N/A

Character Personality: Bigby is the man behind all the actions. Publicly, he's the sheriff of Fabletown and does all that implies: he fills out the paperwork if you create a mess, but he'll also go out and track your ass down for that mess and then punish accordingly. Privately, the strings he pulls go out even further. He keeps tabs on the Adversary in the homelands through his own private spy network (all the informants hand-picked of course) that he oversees, finances and polices beyond the mayor's jurisdiction. A perfect example of this is an incident involving Cinderella. One of his most talented spies, the former princess helped him discover when one of the fables was selling their secrets to the enemy. No mercy was shown: as soon as they had evidence Bigby showed up, told the man the jig was up, and then smashed his head open with a statuette from the man's hotel room. No judge, no jury, and no one but he and Cinderella knew what had happened. In another situation, he kept a powerful witch named Baba Yaga prisoner in a secret dungeon for interrogation purposes, even while the mayor and every other fable (excepting those under his private command) thought she'd been killed. Later on in the series when the war is fully underway, Bigby becomes almost a one-man army, leading/training some of the troops as well as running solo missions into the Empire. Though they were mundy affairs, he also fought in the Civil War and World War II (taking on a secret mission in the latter to destroy a campy Nazi monster plot) to protect what he saw as his territory.

Bigby doesn't sit back and let things happen. He takes on an active role in what he's involved in, and that almost automatically translates to a leadership position. However, this is not to be confused for political leadership: not once does Bigby show interest in being any sort of public ruler - the power he takes is out of necessity. He doesn't covet the mayoral position, and doesn't seek fame. For the most part, he doesn't even want people to know what he's doing. Bigby's motto seems to be "Play your cards close to your chest". He tells no more or less than what he has to in order to keep things running smoothly. It's a very conservative, militant position, and is reflected in the swiftness of his punishments. He doesn't take risks. If execution seems like it will do more harm than good he'll find a more creative way around it, but he never forsakes it as an option simply out of mercy. Bigby isn't soft about traitors or people who risk community safety: there's still a great deal of the Big Bad Wolf in him.

While he doesn't chase down power, he does expect people to respect his authority, and very much considers himself the Alpha (see: the leading wolf in the pack). He'll show deference to those who are truly his superior, such as the mayor of Fabletown, but if you want a fast way to trip his anger, show Bigby any sort of disobedience or disrespect. At one point in the series, a rich, former pirate fable named Bluebeard clashes with him during a mission. A mundy was threatening to expose the fables, and in the course of setting up an elaborate ruse to discredit the man, Bluebeard attempted to simply kill him. Knowing this would only bring more trouble, Bigby ordered him not to, and the two came very close to a fight. Below is the conversation they had once they were alone:

Blue: What happened to you since the Exile? When did they tame you? Or was your formerly savage nature always counterfeit? A combination of bluster and deft public relations?
Bigby: Don't push this any further.
Blue: Or you'll rip my throat out, or kill me, or blah blah blah? Your constant "or elses" have grown tedious. Hasn't anyone told you that threats lose their impact when so often repeated, without ever actually acting on one of them?
Bigby: I haven't needed to act, because you've always backed down and always will. Sure, you're a terror when gutting unarmed brides on their wedding night, or gunning down an unconscious man on a toilet. You're a coward, Bluebeard, hiding behind a lifetime of wealth and privilege. Now, unless you're prepared to throw down...
Blue: [looks down]
Bigby: ...I thought so, tough guy. When you get done pissing yourself with fear, tuck tail and do what I told you to do. Obey me.

Predictably, Bluebeard (humiliated and emasculated) does. Bigby has no problem reminding people of his authority.

So, as befits a wolf, Bigby is a tough, determined individual. He's loyal to those who earn his trust, and vicious and merciless towards his enemies. He has no problem killing when killing seems the best option, but it's out of necessity rather than bloodlust. While he's not without humor, it's usually of a dry sort, and he likes to keep a serious, professional demeanor when working. For a wolf he's oddly solitary and fiercely independent, which likely stems from his strained relations with his family-- he's tried to kill his father seven times, for example. While he's been shown meeting with other fables for drinks now and again he's the sort to view parties as frivolous unless he has an underlying motive for attending. Being a private individual, he doesn't burden people with his problems and is loathe to even discuss them when asked. He's more the type to go off to a cabin and spend a week alone than seek any sort of advice or sympathy.

Beneath it all, however, Bigby can also be a very caring individual. Eventually in the series he marries Snow White and the two have seven children. He's shown to be a very protective and supportive father and husband, able to joke and smile with his family and tone down the gruff personality most people see. While vicious when it comes to taking down threats and securing the safety of the community, Bigby ultimately has a strong moral compass.

Conditional: Personality development in previous game: N/A
Character Plans: Bigby will do a lot of scouting before he throws his hat into the ring. Upon discovering that powers are the norm, Bigby will craft a persona as a "werewolf" to prevent arousing any of the suspicion he'd gain if he called himself a Norm. However, being in the Port won't violate the conditions of Fabletown law, and he'll continue to hide his identity as a fable.

Once integrated, Bigby will likely move into law enforcement and try to work himself into the Newcomer Political Party.

Appearance/PB: Here.

Writing Samples

First Person Sample: [voice]

So. [the click of a metal lighter followed by a drawn silence. The speaker exhales a cool, long breath.] About those peckerwoods tinkering around the damn giant canister - I hope they weren't what count as census takers here.

Because their PR needs work.

Third Person Sample: " - Just like to know what the name of your world us, where you come from, what year you remember it being, minor details really, sir, and if you'd just give me your name - "

"And I've said the answer is 'none of your damn business'. Pencil that into your little white boxes if you want," Bigby growled at the slim scientist, his tone belying an increasing frustration. He'd been trying to get information out of the scientists buzzing around him for the past ten minutes, and while logic and temperance and matters of security said he couldn't let his disorientation drive him to do anything rash, feeding these guys their own twitchy, needling limbs was starting to seem more and more appealing an option. He didn't like this, any of it - even putting aside the fact that he'd been safely at home just moments ago and he'd never even heard of any goddamn "Siren's Port" in Canada. Even ignoring that little detail, this was sending all the wrong signals. The smell coming off that huge machine alone was enough to raise the hairs on his neck, but add to that all the wide and varied scents of the city - and a city that wasn't mundy, not by half, not with the powers people were throwing around in the middle of fucking daylight on an open field - and the fact that Bigby had nothing to block them -

If the eggheads had an instrument to measure mood, they'd see Bigby's hovering somewhere between 'Bloody Carnage' and 'Ten Seconds to Doomsday'.

"Please," the researcher tried again, obviously exasperated, "we're only trying to - "

"Do you have any cigarettes on you?"

"- What? Oh, no, sorry, in the interest of public health SERO discourages cigarette consumption - "

"Then you're out of time with me." Not waiting for a response, Bigby shouldered the man out of his way, ignoring any and all nasal protests that followed him as he stalked past the dugout and towards the city. Wherever he was, it wasn't the Homelands and it wasn't the mundy world he'd known. He'd try and sift through the smells he was getting for sign of any other fables and then start his own investigations (free of any simpering lab coats, thank you so very little).

But first, Bigby was going to get his hands on a goddamn cigarette.

*ooc, background

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