Apr 03, 2005 20:53
Well, another day, another update. I had a great weekend with my new friend Becca (except that I went to a Baptist sermon with her and her grandmother today. I wish something would have cut my hand off so I could have had an excuse to leave). I watched Eddie Izzard (which Becca loved. Yes! Another Eddie convert!) Shrek, Memento, and X2. So it was a movie filled weekend. I went to Bennigans for dinner tonight, which was good, except my sandwhich had saurkraut on it. I hate that shit. I finished my english book early, so no studying to do. I got so bored last night that I wrote stars on my hand and a symbol on my wrist. Quite cool looking, but I forgot to wash it off before the sermon today, so I looked like a retard. At least I was wearing long sleeves. Oh well. I dont plan on being there again. Anyway, my internet sucks. And I'm sure it will until the end of the semester. Since I'm bootlegging it from accross the street. Woot woot for not paying for internet. Anyway, enough of this.
Willkommen, bienvenue, welcome!