Jan 01, 2009 21:30
So yes, I did drink quite a lot last night. I think the count was ten champagnes (very nice stuff too, went down a little too easily), four margaritas (also very tasty) and two tequila shots (and no lemon on that last one... eeuugh). And I had several hours of hangover, which is a new thing for me, but which I blame on several things:
1) I lost my access pass for work earlier in the day. Follow me on this; I need the access pass to get back into the office from the toilet, so instead of my usual six glasses of water during the day, I had exactly zero to limit the need to go. (And later that day I found the pass.)
2) I've been burning the candle at both ends. Staying out past midnight with work the next day, combined with my inability to sleep in is just not working for me. Other people are on holidays and can afford to do that, but I just can't. I'm very run down and I'm quite pleased that I've taken tomorrow off work.
3) I drank a lot of alcohol.
Anyway, I had a great time. We played table tennis (which I always thought I was terrible at, but in which I fared quite well) and basketball, and nothing in the house was broken by us, and we didn't break any bones despite these activities. Go team us.
I really didn't notice the time going by. The actual flip of the switch that put us into 2009... didn't really think about it. I really haven't been focusing on it being the end of the year and the start of another. There was a countdown and there were sparklers, but I just didn't think about what it actually meant. Perhaps the secret is that it doesn't mean anything. *strokes chin* Ponder that one, peoples.
Yeah, it's been a crazy month and I hope things change for the better soon.