So... Doctor Who. I had dreams about it last night. Dreamed there was something on my back. Turned out that lots of people had them.
As for the season finale...
once again RTD dropped the ball when closing out a story arc. Too many threads. Twee solutions. Too much effort into shoehorning RTD's perceived crowd-pleasers into a story that probably should have gone elsewhere, and it couldn't quite get to where he wanted it to go without some pretty major dues ex machina.
wordynerd called it on the hand being important... and how lame it turned out to be. :) D.E.M.
Human efforts were all arbitrary. I hardly think that 25 nuclear bombs beneath the surface of the planet is going to destroy everything. 25,000 on the other hand... And Sarah's bomb-in-a-crystal? WTH? And Jack hooked it up to some wires? WTHBBQ?
Is anyone else really annoyed by Martha's voice? When she's explaining something she enunciates everything, so much so that she sounds like a school teacher. (I downloaded an audio book with her reading and didn't last a minute into it. That's when the voice thing hit me.)
So what locked Donna in the tardis? And WTH with all the tissue sampling?
It crammed Rose's happy ending (Were we all looking for a Rose happy ending?) into a very short space of time. And really, was it a happy ending? It seemed like settling for second best. Human Doctor Who is just a bit lame.
The best part of the episode was Donna's departure. Of all the odd things that happened, this was the only one that actually had any resonance... although Donna goes back to being shallow and annoying. If only the rest of the episode had been so sincere about destroying a character arc.
So that's it for another year... or at least until Christmas.