Is it irionic that no one reads these?

Sep 11, 2006 23:43

Why does everyone think I'm so depressed all the time now? Sure I was a while ago, but now every other phrase I hear is "Oh Josiahs depressed." or "He's just being emo." ... no I'm not. You're just annoying. I like the way Kylie put it the other day: Mellow. =D That was heartening. If I ever win an Oscar (Although that'd be random) I'm gonna thank her for saying that I'm mellow.

Annyywwaayyss... I just wanted to make it very clear that I'm not depressed or anything. I just like my privacy sometimes. Simple as that.

On another note: People really piss me off sometimes. People are such jerks. Don't you just hate people with a passion? Personally I think all people should die... you know what I mean. << Ok that was a joke but it got me thinking. Most people really do get on my nerves actually. But it's not so much them as it is their personality. (That was a joke too, for those of you who are void of 'humorous perception') But REALLY though!! Society really gets to me sometimes. Not as a hole but the materialistic people. The ungrateful people. Shallow people. People who do things without reasons. Nosy people. Disrespectful people. People who see the world without depth and believe life is nothing more than a mass of energy, electronic signals, and mashed together with objects called 'organisms'.

There is more in life. Life is not some scientific accident; it's a gift from God. I probably sound like Jake, but you know what? He's right: God is all there is. Everything else is just... just... DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUST INNN THE WIIIIIIIIIINNNNNND!!! ... yeah. That as much as I feel like writing right now. If you wish to prolong this conversation, ask questions about my beliefs, have a joke pointed out to you or inquire about old songs by Kansas just drop me an E-mail or call my cell or, If the obvious escaped you, leave a message right here.

In conclusion (To steal the phrase) I have beef jerky and I'm gonna eat it! See ya later ya transexuals!
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