Jan 10, 2011 16:48

Sometimes one stumbles on something so quintessentially home-grown (pun intended) and brilliant in its simplicity that the mind boggles.

My numerous readers will know that I have an ongoing mania and obsession with graffiti and street art and that I take a photograph of all things weird & wonderful that appears on the walls of Jozi. It has become so bad that a certain venerable member of one of the Jozi suburbs Crime Sector Forums have threatened to get legal advice as “Dreams, Schemes & Themes” is targeting ‘our community’

“We hold you responsible for encouraging much of the vandalism we have seen in our community this year and we may seek legal advice in the New Year if you continue to target our community (through your blogs)” reads their last e-mail.

Problem is that you can only read what I write by logging onto my site and I also wonder how one defines ‘our community’

In a well-known street in ‘our community’ I noticed a piece of brilliant stencil art on a wall which I photographed. Pap-n-Zol? WTF! Absolutely brilliant. Someone said it’ll look great on a T-Shirt.

So I googled Pap-n-Zol and discovered that this apparently is the brainchild of a guy named Bheki. There are already Tee's available - I've ordered one as it appeals to my sense of weyrdness and wonder.

Pap-en-Zol (WTF) can be found @ - and their mission statement or whatever is;

What is Pap-n-Zol?

It’s about two worlds colliding

to create an alternative reality

Some say it’s a disaster waiting to happen

We call it history in the making

It’s bungee jumping without a rope

and surviving to tell the story

You call it risk

We call it freedom

It’s about admitting your ambition to your self

That there is one thing you know you’re good at,

Something no-one needs to push you to do

It’s bricolage

To join the Pap-n-Zol revolution order your T-Shirt from Bheki at 078 100 4244.

Maybe they’ll even form their own political party as an alternative for the Greenies, or even better as a home for all the Cope members that can’t cope any more. Alternative reality is definitely an option in South African politics

Bheki, you deserve a special mention in the gallery of maniacs, visionaries and wide-eyed dreamers

street art, pap-n-zol, johannesburg, streetart, weyrdness, jozi

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