Aug 11, 2010 13:02


Right, the show is on the road. Since my last post on Monday things started moving on my personal Field of Dreams, to finish the library at Albert Street School and repaint the old church premises.  I spoke to Paul Verryn of the Central Methodist Church in Jozi establishing that no-one is in any way contributing to get the library built. It’s currently moving at a snail’s pace when a little money becomes available. He’s quite happy with me trying to assist and the council is also in agreement.

  • TC Designs,, has agreed without any hesitation to draw the plans to complete the library which will ensure that everything is legal and complying to council’s building specifications
  • Amecon Construction, good friends of mine, will on Friday do a proper estimate of how much the building costs of the library would be. The back portion of the existing minister’s house is in the process of being extended but needs to be completed. Ceilings, window, doors, light fitting etc. will be required. Amecon will also do an estimate of how much the paint will cost to paint the classrooms inside the main building. When I spoke to Paul Verryn I told him I want the older kids to help with the painting, under supervision of course. He agrees as they will then, in the process, take ownership of the school and will also gain a new skill.    
  • The PCP Graffiti crew has agreed to help with the painting and also do a mural. (Where are you Mr. Jones?)
  • Klaradyn, a Bookcrosser in Cape Town, is sending a parcel of books and teaching aids to me which I’ll get to the school.

Once I have the construction costs I’ll seriously start looking for money or contributions in kind, paint, bricks, whatever. I know people get sick of giving as it seems to be a never ending pit of need but this is unfortunately endemic to the society we live in. My philosophy on this is that, thanks to the God of my understanding, I’m in a position to give something and need nothing to meet my basic needs.

I have someone in mind that might assist with the shelving and then it’s a question of hitting on the publishers for books. The right books - not other people’s cast-off rubbish which so often gets “donated”. I’ve had more than a decades experience with this. These donations are done with good intent but more often than not totally unsuitable for disadvantaged kids. They do, after all, deserve more that the dregs and leavings of the more fortunate (sorry, but I needed to say that)

My target is to get this done and dusted by the end of March 2011, and I’m really having fun in the process.

education, refugees, albert street school, field of dreams

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