May 30, 2010 23:04

Problem with tattoos are, once they’re done they’re sort of permanent. I suppose that’s part of the attraction, the lifetime commitment between you ‘n your tattoo with that special meaning making a profound visual statement about who you are and what you believe in.

I’ve never considered what happens when the tattooist makes a mistake.

7th Avenue in Melville is like the high street in a little village. Living in the area long enough you get to know the baker, the guy that owns the independent DVD shop (DVD Gurus), the people at the various bookshops and many other weird and wonderful characters.

This afternoon I was chatting to Audrey of Bookdealers of Melville. She told me about one of her regulars who was so taken in by the music of Mr. Robert Zimmerman that he decided to have some of the lyrics of “A Hard Rains a Gonna Fall”, penned way back when in 1964 long before he was born, tattooed on the side of his chest.

In Gothic script nogal.

Where black is the colour, where none is the number,
And I’ll tell it and think it and speak it and breathe it,
And reflect it from the mountain so all souls can see it.

The lettering was a work of art but, somehow the letter spacing went a bit awry with the result that, at the end “cansee it” became two words instead of three. O fuck. The young man is unhappy and the tattooist, also in 7th Avenue, says hard luck, you moved.

Luckily Dylan’s lyrics are so obscure that no-one will know it’s not what it’s supposed to be.

Sometimes life plain sucks........

tattoo, weyrdness, melville, photographs

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