Mar 29, 2010 17:03

I’ve lived in Jozi for nearly a decade but there are still large parts of the city, like the Doornfontein area that I don’t know very well.

Last month I attended a lecture at the University of Johannesburg by Monica Albonico, of Albonico Sack Mzumara (ASM) a firm of Architects and Urban Designers. The lecture, “To Live in Cities”, was about urban regeneration and redevelopment.

ASM was responsible for the development of the Ellispark Sports precinct as part of the 2010 FIFA World Cup upgrade.  Ellispark’s surrounding suburbs has fallen into a bad state of urban decay and had become increasingly dangerous over the years. It has been completely redesigned.

I heard about the mosaic cows at the New Doornfontein Transport Square in Albonico’s lecture and went cattle rustling yesterday and found a heard of colourful Nguni cows, which was pure whimsy in an unexpected place close to the railway station.

The Transport Square apparently was a site traditionally used as an animal slaughtering place and the herd of cows symbolizes the importance of cattle in local culture and softens the harsh urban environment.

The sculptures were resting peacefully within the confines of this great city watching the taxis and passing human parade.

Jozi is a city full of surprises.

johannesburg, art, photographs, jozi

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