May 19, 2009 12:33

A couple of posts ago I wrote about my dog-son who hurt his foot, what I didn’t say is how this unfortunate event occurred. It was self-inflicted. Tuesdays are the highlight of his dog week. On this day the rubbish removers come to empty the dustbins and the local community paper is delivered. He sits at the gate and watch doggy TV. Barks and carries on at all the activity outside.

We’ve had the same guy delivering the paper for years and ♥ girl leaves a packet of sandwiches and fruit for him each week at the post-box. Dog and man has a face-off at the steel palisade gate when this exchange of information for food takes place. A weekly ritual both got used to…..until this morning when Mr Baggins actually broke the gate! There must have been a weak point in the welding that finally broke with all the jumping against it over the years.

I was in the shower when this happened I did not witness the actual event. ♥ girl tells me that she heard a commotion outside, saw the poor newspaper guy sitting on his backside in the driveway with  Baggins at the wrong side of the gate waiting to be let back in. Problem was that the upright palisade beam snapped back after he pushed it out of the way to get out.

To our great surprise he did not attempt to bite the newspaper guy. Well actually not a surprise at all because he’s a prime example of a dogs bark being worse than his bite, but it must have been a hell of a shock for the both of them when the gate gave way. That very thing which kept them apart for so long was suddenly gone. It must have been like the collapse of the Berlin Wall

No one got hurt, thank god for that, and I already had the gate repaired and the welding strengthened.

I’m just wondering what going to happen next Tuesday when the paper is delivered.

Oh dear.    


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