Sep 06, 2005 22:24
Well, today I successfully spent over 5 hours straight playing video games. I needed that after the exhausting weekend. I guess I'll write a bit about my experiences. I'll start with my favorite part and let the rest of the rubbish trickle down from there. There was this paraplegic at the convention being pushed around by some fat-ass furry wearing a tail. We didn't know if the cripple was involved in the mess or just dragged against his will. The consensus ruled that he was just an ordinary cripple having to endure hell because his faggoty excuse for a brother enjoys watching men in dog costumes have butt-sex with each other. His desperate pleas of disdain went unheard mainly because he lost motor skills from the neck down, and a response could only be monitored from rapid eye-blinking. Well, he had blinked his poor eyes sore. What did that grant him? Red, poofy eyes and gay furry hell. To make matters worse, he knew that his own motor skills nearly surpassed his dim-witted social outcast of a brother.
We watched in awe/horror as the duo careened around a corner and directly into a garbage can. Imagine being the guy nobody wants to hang out with at a Star Trek convention. This guy was so socially inept he couldn't find any "friends" to join him for his furry convention, so he grabbed his crippled disdainful brother and dragged him to the party.
Well, that was my favorite part of the fur meet. I'll end it with that because A) I don't want to write any more, and B) I do want to play video games before lights out. I have to open my store tomorrow morning.