In which I talk about the summer and how I hate it

Sep 27, 2010 22:35

The last time I posted was right after we got back! I guess some things have happened, but not a lot of huge things.

The summer was so brutally hot that I pretty much never left the house except to work. Back in May I decided to make plans to go to NYC every month to visit museums or do fun stuff or whatever. I went that month, but skipped June, July, and August. It was just too hot. I wanted to do fun things, but every time I went outside, my brain would stop all rational thought and just start freaking out about the temperature, humidity, and my personal discomfort. In 2008 and 2009 I got season passes for Great Adventure, but didn't this year, and man I LOVE rollercoasters, so I guess that says something.

This summer also afforded us the opportunity to rip the back yard apart. The pool got torn down and hauled off by some dude with an axe. An old nerdy dude came over and dismantled the part of the deck that had been around the pool. Some other dude took away all the sand that had been under the pool, and also the shed that had the pool stuff in it. Etc etc. Last week we had dirt and grass seed spread finally. If I liked going outside, I would garden. But no.

The whole season really bummed me out. It's like, other people get seasonal affective disorder when it's dark and cold, and I get it when it's bright and hot. I made approximately two things the whole time. Did a little drawing, made a very small wall quilt thing for my dad for Father's Day, and that's about it. Last week I made a small witch hat (pleading with fall, really). And oh, I hemmed some jeans. Wow. I signed up for a swap that needs to mail out in ~3 weeks, and I have some ideas, so hopefully something happens.

yeah, summer is the worst

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