march march marching

Jan 11, 2010 18:23

This year I will read twenty-five books and watch twenty-five movies; not counting rereads or rewatches. This is a lowball goal - last year I did not do very well at all. (Already on book two, and watching movie two tonight!)

My biggest issue is with time management: I work 30 hours a week, and sometimes a little bit more. 2009 saw more growth in my makin' stuff - I had more commissions than ever before, and sold a number of things on etsy. Then there's the whole Linus website thing, which I do not spend a huge amount of time on, but it's enough to count. Throw this all together with my desire to never get out of bed, and it's quite a mess.

The last book I finished in 2009 was in the beginning of November. I had so much other work to do (paid commissions!) that I swore off books until the new year for fear of getting so engrossed I would not finish things with deadlines.

Currently Bill and I are trying to schedule our time.. We've got a lot of our wedding planning done but there is always an avalanche more to deal with. Then there's the sewing/craft time, and the hanging out together time, and the reading, etc etc. I want to be in bed around 11 every night, and then I can read or do puzzles for a bit. Then I do crosswords on my DS and fall asleep.

The biggest troublemaker is still the reading bit: I really need to not go to sleep after 2AM. The book, and the world inside the book, will still be there the next night, where I left it. Perhaps giving myself a day to wonder about what is going to happen next is a better idea.. Imagination-growing and whatnot. But it's so hard!

(I'm sort of considering reading The Now Habit or one of those procrastination self-help books but it just seems so cheeeeesy. Why do I have to have such terribly low amounts of motivation?)
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