Fuchsia is awesome. :)
http://www.sinfest.net/archive_page.php?comicID=3232 Yes, I'm slowly getting back into comics. Over my hiatus, I've kept up with Angels 2200 (not difficult, as it was on hold for quite some time), Menage a 3, Penny&Aggie and Misfile, and now I've caught up with CRFH!, Wapsi Square, Questionable Content, Gunnerkrigg Court, and am closing in on Sinfest. It wasn't easy, as most of those update like clockwork, and 3 years tends to generate a helluva lot of comics (there were over 600 QC pages alone!)
I've kept my eye on Shortpacked! and Joyce&Walky!, but I'm pretty sure I lost the thread a while back.
Some old favorites have vanished, like PX, some have just stopped, like Marry Me, some have finished, like Inverloch or ScaryGoRound. Some haven't updated at all, like PAWN, and some authors have started new comics, like Sarah Ellerton's Phoenix Requiem. And there are loads and loads of new, excellent comics out there, like Sandra&Woo.
And then there's still hard-hitters like Sluggy out there, biding their time, waiting for me, waiting...