Back to the basics

Jan 23, 2009 20:24

Well, here I am back on the ol' Pentium 200 MMX.

I sold my computer with the intention of getting a new(er) one, but as usual life happened so I didn't quite get around to it. My cousin kindly lent me one so I could do stuff, but I had to return it Wednesday.
Thankfully (?) I worked the night shift (from 2 AM to 10 AM) and we had a cargo container to transfer to a truck both Wednesday and Thursday, so I stayed until 3PM both days, and a truck to unload and control today (which lasted until 1 PM), so I didn't have time for anything but sleep once I got home. But now that particular ordeal is over, and the weekend is in front of me, and I'm stuck without a computer. And there's GTA4 Fallout3 and NFS Undercover to be played, more Mythbusters to be downloaded, and many many Youtube clips and anime series to be watched.
And, as fond I am of my trusty old rust-bucket of a Pentium, it just can't do any of that (or, really, even dream about it... :) )

I suppose it's time to improve on some decade-old Need For Speed track records. Which of course can't be done, as the joystick I had back then seemed tailor-made for it...
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