OK folks, I need your help.
We decided we'll publish a bulletin during our SF&F convention Liburnicon, and the idea is to have a comic on the back page.
Now, we could just use some already existing comic, but we would much rather have a completely new one. So, considering I'm into the whole comic scene and stuff, the guys asked me if I could arrange for a comic to put back there.
So I'm asking you: Would anyone be willing to draw a comic for us to put on the back page? It would be an A5 format, one half of an A4 page (I'm sorry, I have no idea how to say it in US measures. Half of letter format? *EDIT* Thanks to
beinsane, I now know A5 is 148x210 mm). Layout and theme are not predetermined, as long as it's some kind of Sci-Fi or Fantasy gaming.
And it would have to be free, of course with full credits to the author (and probably a link to the author's gallery/webcomic).
The con will take place on July 20/21st, so you'd have time until say a few days earlier... so, 3 weeks deadline?
If anyone's interested, post here or contact me otherwise (my mail at mravac_kid(at)yahoo.com or through the
Liburnicon website, where you can find all of our addresses under "Kontakt")
Please help me feel useful, as the others are doing pretty much everything else. :)
I'll also post this at the Dragoneers forums, as there's quite a bit of talent skulking about there... :)