The daily bullshit: Obama's Rolling Stone interview

Sep 29, 2010 13:09

Obama did an interview with Rolling Stone where he mentioned two things:

* the Tea Party was funded and directed by a very small special interest group
* some members of the tea party are racists

Some of the talk show scuttle butt was incensed that the Tea Party would be "denigrated" in such a way. It was described as talking down to the voters. To support the Tea Party, the commentators all seemed to read from the same memo mentioning that 3/4 of Republicans and 1/3 of Americans "support" the Tea Party.

This is the daily bullshit: advocating support for the Tea Party or its politics doesn't mean it's not funded almost exclusively by the two billionaire Koch brothers, a special interest of two. Nor does it negate the fact that some of its members hate black presidents or brown immigrants (and that they were drawn to the Tea Party because they were more accepted there).

Some Tea Party supporters may dislike Obama's comments because they feel they make the Tea Party seem less valid and more suspect. And they would be right. They left parties where they were being played to be played by someone else.

Bootstrapping with personal donations (and not money from PACs) is probably the only way to not get played. No one gets anything for free.
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