Aug 07, 2011 04:28
So it's totally 4 in the morning again, just like yesterday and the day before! Though I didn't post on those days, I figure I'm bored enough and not tired enough to go ahead and make the rounds on LJ as well, instead of just twitter and Facebook.
I was tired at like 11 tonight but I had to wash some dishes, make sure I had my towels washed and a few other things, so I got out of bed, after sleeping for about 30 minutes, and got up to do that and look at me now! I'm not sleep. It's interesting because if I just got out of bed officially instead of messing around on my laptop and played about 20 minutes worth of World of Warcraft I'd be sleepy as hell in no time. Playing that game late at night always seems to work wonders for me and going to sleep. Oh well.
This song is amazing, by the way. np: Frankmusik - 3 Little Words "3 Little Words" I've been listening to it nearly non-stop all day today (mostly on youtube, which I don't know why I've been listening to it there when I could simply put it on repeat in winamp, but whatever, I won't ask questions of myself that I don't really have the answer to, besides being too lazy to dig it out of my enormous osu folder, which means that the mp3 is inside of a folder with 8,000 other folders inside of a folder inside of my program files folder on my C Drive. Yeah, that's a lot of searching and not even alphabetically listed searching, it's listed based on the numerical order in which the song was submitted and ranked by the beatmap approval team of OSU. But look at this, I have a paragraph worth of parenthetical talking and I don't even remember anymore what I was originally going to say, yippee!). The song is awesome. Life needs more good synth-pop. Yes, I qualified my response there. Bad synth-pop is just terrible. Kind of like bad dubstep, and bad music in general, though that's a highly opinionated statement and not easily quantifiable...but again I digress.
So it's 4 in the morning, I'm updating live journal, which I basically never do, and... yeah. I'm not going to complain. The world is going to shit, economically, and I just need to stop being an over-privileged American and suck it up and get a minimum wage job so that my cell phone and lights don't get cut off. That would make things much worse.
And oh hey look, I said I wasn't going to complain and I, for the most part, didn't! Huzzah! I think that's massive success.
And now I'm rambling and ranting, though I suppose that's pretty much exactly what things like this are for. (yeah, here's a complaint, oops) It's not like very many people, if any, read this, so I think I'm okay with just rambling on a bit when I can't really get to sleep. It helps my mind wind down a bit, though I'm always in my own head so it never really winds down totally.
And hey, look at that, Kat poked me again on facebook at like 4 in the morning. Does that kid ever sleep? Sheesh. I'm gonna go poke her back real quick and make a snarky comment on her page really quickly. It's totally funny that I type that in here because it totally wouldn't be possible for anyone to actually notice the passage of time between when I stop typing here, alt+tab to my browser and open facebook to make the post and poke, yet I do it and fully intend on making an "I'm back" announcement afterwords!
Back now! Haha, self fulfilling prophecy indeed.
So I was kind of upset, about an hour ago, when I realized that I played Starcraft 2 through like 9pm with a friend today. It was awesome fun, and I never get to play with him, but I missed the live streaming premier of a documentary about a group of players in WoW called The Raid. The most saddening thing, because I can catch the movie again on the website since it was captured while it was streaming and they're throwing it up after it renders, is that there was a give a way for a super awesome desktop computer, 5 high end gaming headsets, and some other random crap that I would have loved an opportunity to get my hands on, but I was too busy playing Starcraft to actually notice what time it was, and didn't have the presence of mind to set a reminder for myself on my phone or in any other place, so by sheer forgetfulness I missed out on that opportunity. Shucks.
Blah, I guess this is long enough and I'll just go ahead and post it. Good night live journal, hopefully.