Alright so, before the real entry, a few house keeping things. The music listed as my current music I found through a complex string of youtube videos. I've always loved the final boss song from Sonic 3, one of my favorite songs ever. I was listening to a random song on youtube from a video game, went and found the OC Remix of it, then found the piano version of it, and went to think enough to go back to the OC Remix search I did and found this. Realized it was an OC Remix of the final boss theme from Sonic 3 and Had to go download it form the OC site, Its amazing, and I suggest that you all do so, if you like it. Links to songs provided behind cuts because I'm way to nice to the 3 people that all read my live journal.
Click to view
Click to view
And lastly, a link to the OC Remix site to download said song:
Clicky clicky Now, on to the entry.
The title of this entry has much signifigance, as I've been on a mission fort he last year or so to eradicate myself of my sex-less streak. As of Friday night, that mission is marked as completed. I met an awesome girl named Angela and we hit it off well. I would be more forthcoming with details but I've summised that it'll be majorly irrelavant to recap unless someone requests me to so If you want to know, simply ask and I'll tell you.
I didn't get home until almost 4 AM Saturday morning, late nights are amazing ;), and didn't even go to sleep when I got home. I spent the day watching Gundam 00 at the reccomedation of Mike Jefferies, a high school friend of Jeff Gill, and it was an amazing show. The show isn't finished yet, just the first season. The first 7 episodes of the second season are out and I downloaded them from
Shinsen subs. I choose them out of the other 3-4 companies subbing because first, they were the only name I recognized, and second, they did the verion of Prince of Tennis that I liked the most and so I went with them and I haven't been dissapointed as of yet. If you're an anime fan and you haven't checked out the first 25 episodes of Gundam 00 I would suggest that you do so. Its worth it.
Today wasn't a great day, as I was badgered by my mother all day to go to the store with her and when we finally did we got a blowout on the freeway about a mile and a half from home. I figure that its Karma getting things for me back in balance, as on Wednesday I went to Kroger and mistakenly walked out of the door with a pair of tomatoes that I didn't pay for. I didn't realize until I got to the car and had packed everything up and didn't have it in me to go back into the store since i had already walked out with them. I knew that I would suffer Karmic retribution, as once unbalanced the scales must be set right, but this is a pertty hefty price, as the spare tire we had in our trunk had a problem with the valve stem and couldn't be inflated. Meaning we had to get the tow home today and are going to have to get a tow tomorrow when the shop nearest our house opens costing us about $100 depending on how much inflation their shop has suffered from the economy. Money is getting thinner and thinner.
Well that's it for this weekend. I need to remind myself to update my live journal more regularly. Then maybe people would pay more attention to it. I guess it can't be helped, I'm a flake afterall. Ja matta.