Mar 30, 2009 09:08

Yeah, that's right, I only stayed in Oswego for 24 hours, and managed to actually hit Rudy's for a big fat fish sandwich and onion petals. In this pregnancy, fish sandwiches are the new tacos. If I could eat a fish sandwich washed down with a chocolate milkshake everyday, I might never shed a hormonal tear (okay, that's unlikely since just about everything frustrates the hell out of me right now).

Another good thing that happened on my trip: Jared got to see more of the lunacy that I am always talking about. I think more and more he's starting to see that you can't make this shit up and I am not exaggerating. If I had time to tell all the stories, I would, but I will leave you with this gem: After my mom gave me a b-day card I made a joke about her forgetting Jared's b-day (a week earlier), well she went spastic and starting go on and on about not knowing Jared's birthday and blah blah blah and then said, "besides, I don't know what THEY do for birthdays!" Yes, "they" meaning jews. Jared got a big kick out of that one. I somehow need to find a way to make money from whoring these people out on TV.
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