Note for eaters of fish

Jan 07, 2010 19:41

You can't beat a fish finger sandwich.


5 fish fingers per person (1 box == 2 people)
Some grated cheddar (optional, but pretty essential)
Mayonnaise (must be very white and out of a bottle; don't make your own)
Ketchup (Daddies for preference, but I haven't run out and bought an emergency bottle from the chippie recently, so it had to be proper Heinz)
Butter (Salted)
2 slices of white processed bread. I used "Warburton's" Toastie. Takes exactly 5 fish fingers. Inferior sliced white can only accommodate 4 without squishing them slightly.

Fish fingers 12 minutes in the oven @ 230C on a greased baking tray, flipping after 8 minutes with a palette knife. Careful! Don't split them. And don't turn them onto a preexisting crusty bit from another finger, or they'll stick.

Butter one slice of bread, then spread mayo on the other half, then spread ketchup on the mayo. The fingers go on the buttery side to get it to melt slightly, and the cheese is sprinkled lightly on the mayo-y-ketchup-y side (so it sticks) then turned onto the fish.

Don't forget to crush the two slices together with the flat of your hand. Then slice in half (if you're feeling delicate) and eat.

Amazingly delicious and very, very filling. You will not need two.
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