Upcoming weekend menu

Oct 07, 2009 20:24

More for my own memory's benefit, here's this weekend's menu for our esteemed visitors.

"Bloody Mary"
Invisible tomato and black olive ravioli
Blue cheese, pear, pickled walnuts and rocket salad
Egg on toast (100% egg)
Champagne-infused cucumber, celeriac and a beurre blanc
Celery, beetroot and goat's cheese with horseradish icecream
Melon, soy, sesame
Pear tart with vanilla mascarpone


I have to say that I really enjoy doing vegetarian dishes (even though I am a devout carnivore). I think you should be able to read a good veg menu (at any level) and think "yes, that sounds good", and only afterwards realize that it is vegetarian.

It also gives me a chance to try out a couple of new things that I've been reading about recently. The 100% egg-on-toast is particularly interesting (if it works!) I only hope it isn't freezing cold at the weekend, because this is designed rather on the basis that the weatherometer tells me it is still going to be 60C outside.

ETA: 60F, not 60C of course. 60C is medium-to-medium-rare, and therefore would be an unfortunate air-temperature.

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