What if people listened instead of just waiting to speak?

Mar 30, 2008 23:43

I feel empty like theres a hole. Fuck sins, they apply to those who choose a conformist life following the authority a indifferent and in all likeihood invisible deity.

In my eyes, we try to fill our inner emptiness with fixes. Temporary releases from those negative emotions.  My favourite, sex.  Alcohol and drugs dont change anything, just numb the pain.  Even Sleep is a coward's vice.  Thus I become a sinners of my own value system.  The only sin is over-indulgence.  How come everything i do leaves me feeling broke.  I fear going to work and facing people, writing 2 essays for school, acceptence from peers.  I hate how people put each other down so much, make them feel bad.  I wish i could feel happy.

Every passing day it feels like i wake up and I'm just waiting for it to end so the next day will come which will bring me happiness.  Yet everyday comes and it's no longer that next day, its the present...tragic.  Tomarrow is always a day away and never comes and i think my happiness will be found in tomarrow.  Sometimes i think people fear to fit in yet they also desire to fit in.  Yet, we fear that we'll compromise our intergrity of self by conforming to their model.  I feel older than my age.  I dont go party and get drunk or smoke and chill with my friends.  I don't quite fit in anymore.  The closest place i've been a leader is when i skateboard.

I had such high hopes about spring break.  I've lost confidence in myself.  School is usually my vice, but this one class, humanities, has frazzled my confidence.  I live by my own morals, i dont believe that most things are totally good or totally wrong.  I'm not attracted to the same "standard" of woman as most men are.  I don't even act like most men (for better or worse).


Here's my problem with you: i have too much faith.  In the time that I've been with you, you rarely let me down.  Your respect and thoughtfulness is so astoudning that on those inevitable occasions you do Do you, it throws me off.  I'm so used to you being selfless and flexible.  PS thank you for the comfort last night, i really needed someone to talk to and those were the happiest 2 hours of my vacation.
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