Jan 25, 2005 02:16

~ hi all. long time no talk...good reason for that too. michael did something to his computer again and now he had to send the motherboard off to the people who made it to get the bios chip replaced. something about bugs in the MB that he had to fix by DL some software from the website and instead of fixing the problems it made things worse. oh well. so needless to say i haven't been online in a while. im just checking in at Eel's right now so, there you have it.
~ not much to talk about other then that, so i think im done. oh! i've started working out again, i have the beginnings of abs thought i somehow managed to GAIN 7 pounds in the first week i started working out and eating less...the diet gods are against me. ITS A PLOT BY THE SKINNY PEOPLE TO KEEP ME "THICK" SO THEY FEEL BETTER ABOUT THEMSELVES!!!!!! well, remember this tiny ones, i've i fail this diet and go back to my normal weight...who or what do you think i'm gonna eat as revenge upon you all?! uh huh think about that. pray i get "skinny"
~ mra out ~
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