Jul 15, 2010 03:56
My main computer got wonky. It's still wonky. It's also the computer I read LJ from. For whatever reason, I never really read LJ from my work laptop. I did read it from my Linux box at work, but that too got wonky with respect to web browsing for different reasons.
Enter my new phone, the Nokia N900.
This phone is awesome for me. I can't really recommend it to anyone remotely "typical". If you like programming, or have been running Linux as your preferred OS the last decade or so and like it, then this phone is for you. Otherwise, keep looking, and maybe get something Android based if you can't stand Apple/iPhone.
The N900 rather sucks as a consumer gadget. But, for me, someone who installed GCC, G++, subversion, make, bison, OpenSSH and a half dozen other utilities within hours of buying it, it's a perfect new toy. I now have my entire Intellivision development toolchain on my phone and that's how I like it. It only took me a day to get an initial port running and 3-4 days to get everything tuned and fast. But if you're not into that sort of hardcore Intellivision programming, all that's a waste.
That said, there's another big plus. This phone has a Gecko-based browser and plenty of RAM. I can actually read LJ via the N900 reasonably. I came back today and realized how much I'd missed the last few months. With this new phone, it'll make it easier to stay back here somewhat permanently.
Here's hoping I succeed at that. We'll see! :-)