Well, hello there. Guess what? I'm back.
I am, of today, completely "re-entering" fandom. I've been in school exactly a month yesterday, and things are going fairly smoothly. I'm trying not to stay up late anymore, though I definitely don't get as much sleep. I'm reliving the nightmare that is homework all over again. I am making straight A's as of this moment. I am...happy.
I chose today to come back for a very special reason. Today is the one year birthday of
mr_yer_on_fire. One year ago today, I created this journal with the intention of taking my fanfiction reading to a new level. And look where I am now.
I've had more LiveJournals, GreatestJournals, Blurtys, and MySpaces then I care to count, but I don't believe I've ever kept one for entire year. I'v never even had a paid account (GJ gives you 1000 icons and 1000 images without paying). But this name means a lot to me; not as a name, but as what it represents: the friends, the fandom, the fun. I've never met better people. I've never been more engrosed in anything.
I'll stop babbling now.
My One-Year Stats:
Date created: 2006-02-05 01:34:05
Journal entries: 872
Comments: Posted: 4,547 - Received: 4,213
Well, expect close-to-daily updates, plenty of comments on fic and art, and other various insanity.
The bitch is back.