(no subject)

Aug 03, 2008 18:18

NAME: Hanatarou Yamada
FANDOM: Bleach

CANON SYNOPSIS: The Japanese town of Karakura located in the western part of Tokyo has a bustling population of merchants, businessmen and fine men and women. A normal and wholesome place to raise a family it's home to many an upstanding Japanese Citizen. One would scarcely think it was any less safe to walk out at night as any other urban center filled with finicky humans. Like any town you have your criminals, your bullies and of course your malevolent soul devouring entities. Any Japanese urban center that is.

Like most crime, the general populace only ever hears whispers of happenings unless they are directly involved. This holds especially true to crimes not even happening in the same realm of existence. Hollows seem to run rampant in Japan and the only force capable of fighting them are strong spiritual ones. At first that only belongs to beings called Shinigami. As much as the undead keepers of safety would like to think they are special, they are not the only beings capable of knocking the soul consuming menaces out of the picture.

Ichigo Kurosaki is a normal human or as normal as someone spiritually aware can be. Upon meeting a Shinigami named Rukia he becomes even less normal. Absorbing the woman's power when she is severely wounded and stepping up to fight in her place was only the beginning of his real adventure. Rukia's actions though she had no other choice were in fact illegal and deserving of punishment. She is swiftly captured and drug back to the Shinigami's world.

It is during her imprisonment that she meets and befriends a young 4th division Shinigami. Those in the 4th division are considered their own especially low rank of pitiful by other Shinigami. Despite being adept healers who care readily and well for the other divisions they are bullied and mistreated because of their supposed lack of combat skills.

Hanatarou Yamada seems especially devoid of combat skills. Thin and waifish he eagerly soaks up the company of Rukia as she is one of the few people to recognize him as someone. Fascinated by her tales of the human world Hanatarou can not understand why she is being held when she only did what she had to for the greater good.

A curious and gentle person Hanatarou does his best to make Rukia comfortable during her sentence. Much to hid disappointment she is moved to a new location. Hanatarou fades back into the mundane life of a 4th division Shinigami.

Again Ichigo like the virus he is enters the picture and with a man of the Shiba clan, Ganju, both are intent on saving Rukia from her inevitable execution. As fate would have it the pair stumbles upon a crowd of Shinigami and from that crowd spills out one particularly weak and helpless looking fellow. They easily get it in their heads to use him as leverage but find when the crowd laughs into their faces upon threat of the young Shinigami's life that it might have been a bad idea after all. When the crowd not only calls for them to finish the Shinigami off but begins to advance Ichigo and Ganju make a hasty escape, with their prisoner.

Once safe the pair realized they were no a trio. Unsure what to do with the Shinigami in their custody they argue. It's at that point that Hanatarou introduces himself and offers his assistance in their effort to rescue Rukia. Hanatarou proves to be invaluable to them. As it turns out despite his meek appearance Hanatarou is a seated and highly skilled 4th division healer. Equipped with several items and abilities that can heal he is also in possession of many potent drugs that can disable other shinigami.

Traveling with Hanatarou, Ichigo and Ganju learn of the bullying and cruelty that he and others of his division are faced with daily. Skittish and anxious Hanatarou has somehow remained a kind hearted and genuinely helpful person despite the constant abuse.

Hanatarou continues traveling toward the tower where Rukia is held healing wounds after battles and leading the party through the sewers. When Ganju and Hanatarou become separated from Ichigo and find their way to the tower Hanatarou laments that he could not do more on his own then steal the key to get in. After Ganju realizes just who Rukia is upon their meeting and finds that any desire to rescue her is gone it is Hanatarou that decides to take a stand. Powerless and incapable of any true fight Hanatarou still chooses to face against a Shinigami Captain pleading with Ganju to escape, for Ichigo's sake, with Rukia. In the end it is Ganju who faces the threat and is easily defeated. Rukia is returned to her cell and Ganju and Hanatarou imprisoned. Despite his failure to rescue Rukia, he again proves that his true worth is in his heart and his ability to care when he is broken out of his confinement and his skills used to restore Renji who in turn assists Ichigo in rescuing Rukia at last.

ONORATA-VERSE BACKGROUND: Born and raised until the age of 15 in Japan, Hanatarou had a normal childhood the third in a family of seven. Daily consisted mostly of being picked on by his siblings, the neighborhood kids, his teachers...really anyone that came into contact with him. Maybe it was because he was such an easy target or maybe because he was always inclined to forgive. Either way Hanatarou seemed to resist any bitterness that bullying would normally have caused growing up instead as an anxious young man bent on being as helpful as possible.

When Hanatarou wasn't getting picked on, watching his brothers with awe or helping his mother and sister with domestic duties he was reading. From an early age Hanatarou had an insatiable fascination with the human body and it's reactions to the world around it. He would spend his allowance on textbooks that he wouldn't need for years to come. His hobbies all revolved around putting what he learned into practice. Hanatarou would seek out sickly animals and spend as much time around the elderly as possible learning how to help and to heal.

Turning 15 Hanatarou's life was changed when his eldest brother went to jail. All of the hopes his parents had put on his dear brother were then shifted to Hanatarou and his other brothers and sister. Though not terribly well off Mr and Mrs Yamada split their retirement fund four ways to help pay for their children's education.

The pressure to earn money for education was lifted when Hanatarou's natural skills and knowledge of human physiology earned him a full ride scholarship from a large Japanese pharmaceutical company. The company sent Hanatarou to England where at first he thoroughly enjoyed his time learning and testing. Eager and naive the young man worked hard through two years of class work and more advanced bullying tactics of college folk to win an internship at the company's main branch in homeland Japan.

His return home was exciting until his family realized that little Hanatarou had not changed at all. Hopelessly a trusting fool and still getting picked on he was older and better trained but no different. Worst of all he seemed completely unaware of the company's use of the elderly to try out it's drugs. Despite his parents pleas for him to find a different job rather then jeopardize their dear foolish son's heart, Hanatarou continued on his path.

The revelation was nearly devastating.

Three years of clinical research should have left Hanatarou stained and jaded but instead he became a small but often ignored light in the dismal world he'd stumbled into. Incapable of treating his subjects as only subjects and as clumsy as he ever was Hanatarou was bounced from department to department until he found himself waiting to be sent overseas once more.

Hanatarou served his last two years in translating sales with foreign countries as a scientific representative. His naivety however left him stranded in Italy. Too poor to go home and too qualified to get a commercial job Hanatarou was left with no other choice then to apply with the Anti-Mafia Commission.

ALIGNMENT: Anti-Mafia Commission
RANK: Nurse
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