I have no words for the experience I have just had. Those of you who know me know that I have a tendency to exaggerate, but in this case any exaggeration would pale in comparison to what actually happened. Most of you who read this journal are gamers and so the fantastic is part and parcel of your daily mindscapes, but the things that have been happening to me are beginning to merge the level of gaming-style fantasy and real life. I hesitate to blog publically about these things. I really don't want people to be weirded out by the changes that have happened in my life, but as part of the process of digesting what is going on around me I must commit some of these things to writing so that they can get out of the tenuous level of mind reality and move back into the reality that they came from. If you don't like the things I say then just believe I am lying and forget about them.
So let me first begin with some context for the experiences. I have had the good fortune of meeting two beings who have ascended from the duality based level of human consciousness to the level of enlightened, or Self-realized states of consciousness. This means that through yogic practices (this does not mean stretching) and the grace of god these men have become permanantly fixed in a state of divine union, meaning that they have become aware of their true nature of Satchitananda, which translates to "being, conciousness, bliss." Some of us have experienced moments of this sensation, and much has been written about the states of samadhi, so I will just leave it there and let those of you who don't know what I am talking about
look it up.
Often times as people reach these higher states of consciousness they aquire what are called siddhis (translates as perfections), which are essentially for lack of a better term super powers. The wise siddha (one who has developed siddhis) will only use his powers when directed to by the supreme divinity, which is his Self. So recently I have experienced and documented some of these siddhis, and can say without a shadow of a doubt that these things exist and that anyone can attain them. The only catch is that those seeking siddhis will not find them because they are not playthings of the ego to make you feel cool. Siddhis are generally distractions to the evolution of the soul and wise yogis are not impressed by them. I guess I am not very wise, but on another level I write these things because I want to share that divine union, enlightenment, Self-realization is very real, very attainable and we are entering an age where large segments of the population are beginning to awaken on various levels and seek God with an intensity previously unknown. I am hoping that the skeptic in you all will be challenged when the story is coming from someone you know. This is the only time I will write about these things. After this my experiences will be private, but I want to extend my hand to any of you who want to know more or find these things for yourself to contact me.
So as for specifics, they don't matter. I am not writing this to impress you all. I will say that the being that I met this weekend has publically stated that he is an Avatar, which basically means fully God and fully man. Jesus was an avatar, Krishna was an avatar, and there are others living today, Sai Baba for example. What does that mean in real life? It basically means that he is like Jesus was described in the Bible, miracles and all, the most compassionate and loving being I have ever come into contact with and has an energy level that is almost unbearable at points. I followed him around for 5 days with a camera, and there were times where I would have to put it down and pass out for a couple hours just to keep going. The camera, he said, acted like a satalite dish, concentrating his energy into my eyeball. Both myself and my cinematographer are so spent we have barely been able to function for the past couple days.
The weekend was like a dream, rife with visions, healings, ceremonies, and lunch. It was both fully divine and fully mundane at the same time. That is something that people don't understand about spiritual experience. They are both intense, fantastic, and unbelievable, and completely normal and real at the same time. I, like most of you reading this, am a skeptic when it comes to things I think are new-agey. I hear words like energy-work and faith healings, and I want to roll my eyes and walk away, that is until they became real to me. I have been to new-agey type stuff like Reiki initiations, and shamanic vision quests, and found them to be on one level. These things I am describing are on a totally different level. The former makes you feel kind of tired, the latter, leaves you punch drunk and unable to complete a thought other than "Bill happy."
Anyone who thinks I am full of it please tell me so in a comment. I want to send you the film when it is done, so at least you can see what I am talking about. I will know if you are just saying so to get a free film.
So the bottom line is I want to share the grace that I have recieved with all of you, my brothers and sisters. May your lives be filled with love and peace, and may you all find what it is you seek deep, deep within. I love you all.