Weekly Assignment: C.P. Physics Period 6

May 12, 2006 09:52

REMINDER: This assignment is due by Friday May 19 at 3:00PM. You must do a minimum of three of the choices below. You can do a maximum of six. While the additional ones are not extra credit, they are pretty easy to score full credit on and thus improve your grade. You can post any time up until the deadline. Late entries will not count for the week. All posts should feature the best grammar and spelling to your ability. There is a spellcheck button below. You will not be graded on grammar unless you start using "u" for "you". You also must make at least one comment to someone else's post before the same deadline. You can post a comment before you have made your post for the week. All comments and posts should be respectful.

1. Go to the following links:

View the video and give a reaction to it. What is happening? What are "field lines"? Why is everything calm at the end? And anything else you feel like saying about it.

2. Go to the following link: http://www.doe.gov/3464.htm

What activities burn more gas than others? Why do you suppose that is? Explain in terms of energy in physics (chemical potential energy of gas, work to move car, kinetic energy of moving car etc)

3. If you did not know, our magnetic field is overdue to flip so that magnetic north will be magenetic south and vice versa. Explain how scientists know that the magnetic field flips (hints: google "Mid-ocean ridges", "morb", "magnetic imprint"...).

Also visit this link http://www.iop.org/news/1079 to see if it gives you anything to add.

4. Visit: http://physicsweb.org/articles/news/10/4/10/1

Discuss how imformation is found and sorted and what the advantage to using google's engine is. In addition, discuss the pratfalls of using the internet as your sole source of information in research.

5. http://www.iop.org/news/1077

Why do you think that the hurricane seasons have seemed more intense? Is there any thing that can be done about this? Is this a natural cycle or something more insidious? Should we expect another Katrina sooner rather than later?

6. http://www.iop.org/news/1113

Do you lie awake at night worrying that life on Earth might one day be destroyed by a blast of gamma radiation from space? Why would a blast of gamma radiation from space destroy us (think in terms of wavelength, energy, etc)? Look up what gamma rays do to cells and provide a link to your source.

7. http://moonmineralogymapper.jpl.nasa.gov/ and http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/exploration/mmb/griffin_india.html

What is the purpose of the "Moon Mineralogy Mapper"? Give an overview of the program and anything that interests you about it.

8. http://physicsweb.org/articles/news/10/4/13/1

This link refers to a plan in the UK to bury nuclear waste. Why does nuclear waste needs to be stored (think back to chem - "half-lives")? Why do you think most countries recommend burying it? Compare and contrast the problems between doing this in the UK and the plan in the US to bury waste at Yucca Mountain. Would you ever consent to waste buried in your town? Would anything be able to change your mind or assuage your concerns?

9. http://haydenplanetarium.org/hp/vo/ava/index.html

Find four videos of interest and link them. Describe what is happening, why you found it interesting, any physics connections you can make, and if it has any bearing on Earth's future.

10. Talk about class this week. Be sure to say what you liked AND didn't like about a particular lesson. It is best (by best, I mean required) to also give suggestions about how you would have improved a particular lesson.

11. Write a song or song parody about a recent physics concept or a story (true or made up) which helps to explain the attractive charge of different objects (things like the Franklin Bell problem and why it behaved as it did).

12. Find a news story about science (ideally physics) that you find interesting and talk about it.

phys342, period 6, phys342 weekly assignments

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