Feb 10, 2009 23:20
So, this day/week/month/year has been shit so far, with no sign of stopping. I know I havent been on in a while to post anything, but I'm gonna go ahead and use this time to rant and complain about my current situations.
So, down to second to last semester of EE. I'm hating it. I don't know if it is a combination of senior-itis, or the fact that I hate pretty much all of my current classes, but I can't stand this semester. I have honestly given some consideration to dropping out if I could find a job that would pay well enough for me to be able to.
Got some fish over the winter break to take care of. My first try was with a 10 gallon tank containing 3 glow-light tetras, and 3 neon tetras. I'm happy to report that all of them are still alive. My second tank is a 5 gallon unit which I put something unique in. I found a type of crawfish sold as an "Electric Blue Lobster." It is (was) a pretty unique pet to have. Lynne named her Natasha, or Tasha for short. Turns out that she vanished today. Just vanished. There is a hole in the top back of the tank that she possibly could have gotten out of, but there has been no sign of escape. Chances are she wouldn't last long out of water, partly because of our two cats, but there has been no sign of escape, or any remains from a run in with either of the cats. Nothing. Just vanishing blue lobster.
Still haven't found a job. Haven't been trying as hard as I probably should though. My gpa isn't what most of these companies seem to be looking for, so that has turned me off a bit. I've also discovered that Electrical Engineering is probably not what I want to do. I'm probably looking for something more along the lines of Systems Engineering, but I don't know how I'll ever land a job like that if these companies are so anal about gpa and experience in things I don't have the time to learn at the moment.
Honestly, if it wasn't for the few friends I have who support me so much, I'd probably have given up and found something else to do with my life. I'm very thankful that some people are always there for me. I just hope that eventually I can show them that I was worth the time. Anyways, off to bed now. I'll try not to do a long complain like this for a while.