Because I decided not to go to class

Dec 01, 2004 13:51

Stolen from Elise. I's so sneaky

A is for age: 20
B is for booze: Not a huge fan of it, but I enjoyed the sake we had at the airsoft/Elise birthday trip
C is for career: I want to become an actor of some sort able to live off of that.
D is for dad's name: Dan
E is for essential items to bring to a party: ....too busy to party.... must go to rehearsal
F is for favorite song at the moment: Jack Johnson - Rodeo Clowns for now.
G is for girlfriend: Jew girl's it
H is for hometown: Madison, WI (was Born in Ann Arbor MI)
I is for instruments you have played: Trumpet, Cello, Piano, Guitar, and does voice count?
J is for jam or jelly you like: I am a grape man. *waddles about because he is a grape*
K is for kids: drop kicked through a window.
L is for living arrangements: in the new "super dorms" here in chicago.
M is for mom's name: Tina
N is for name of your pets: they're all dead and buried in shoe boxes.
O is for overnight hospital stays: not as of yet I believe
P is for phobia[s]: Helplessness. Only thing the really frightens the fuck out of me.
R is for relationship that lasted the longest: Laura - almost nine months now.
S is for sexual position: Missionary.
T is for time you wake up: mon/wed 7:45 tues/thurs 12:45 fri 8:45 sat/sun as late as possible
U is for unique trait: In every class I've taken here it has been suggested that I should build a basis of my career on voice overs...I got's a pretty speaking box!
V is for vegetable you love: I like the little trees
W is for worst habit: depending on my voice.
X is for x-rays you've had: besides the whole dental thing...I've had one on my hand when I split my knuckle freshman year.
Y is for yummy food you make: I make some good cinnamon pork
Z is for zodiac sign: Scorpio. I took some quiz awhile back and it said I was "55%" scorpio. As for the chinese Zodiac, I like Elise am a Rat
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