It's 4am and I'm bored

May 19, 2005 04:03


Ten really random things about me:

1. I enjoy M&Ms and ramen
2. I can bend backwards and grab my ankles
3. I once had the cops called on me for chasing a pizza man with a broadsword
4. I occasionally wish I were completely white
5. I occasionally talk to myself, and I sing a lot, but only alone.
6. I have lapses into compulsive lying
7. I have recently fucked up my knee.
8. I don’t think I draw women well.
9. One of the artists I'm studying right now has an unhealthy obsession with panty shots (Masamune Shirow)
10. I have recently found a way to make the flaming-sledgehammer trick work a lot better.

Nine ways to win my heart:

1. Smile, have a uplifting air about you
2. Command Respect
3. Believe that nothing is too sacred to laugh at.
4. Know what you want, and fight for it.
5. Make me laugh, honestly.
6. Be able to have snooty, overly critical conversations about acting.
7. Have a finely tuned skill or craft. Discipline rocks my socks
8. Watch cartoons.... constantly
9. Being creative and adventurous. (Hazzah for the Elise thing!)

Eight things I carry/wear every day:

1. My general black attire
2. Carmex
3. Wallet and its contents
4. My glasses
5. My inhaler, I done needs my breathing
6. My BDU coat. So many pockets for so many things.
7. My phone, even if I have to set it on silent constantly
8. A pen and sketchbook

Seven things that annoy me:

1. People who think being humorous is just bouncing about and screaming
2. People who hold beliefs for no reason besides convenience, and when confronted with this they simply do their best not to listen.
3. People who don't try
4. How my own personal behaviors sometimes sabotage my acting
5. Irrational emotion (not that I'm exempt from it, it just annoys me)
6. When I catch myself doing something foolish in the not fun way
7. Desperation.

Six places I've visited (not lived):

1. Bei Jing
2. Various other places in China
3. Washington D.C.
4. L.A.
5. Cozumel
6. San Diego

Five things I want to do before I die:

1. Finish at least one of my numerous comic ideas
2. Make a decent amount of money as an actor
3. Really feel like I do something well in a grander scheme of things
4. Go Scuba Diving again
5. Get a standing ovation from a huge crowd

Four things I'm afraid of:

1. Helplessness
2. Failing
3. If this isn't what I really want to do with my life
4. Losing control (I’m not saying that as in I'm on the precipice of madness and the slightest thing could send me hurdling into a psychosis that will never relent. I'm just a control freak.)

Three things I do every day:

1. Hate waking
2. Draw
3. Wish Laura was back

Two things I'm trying not to do right now:

1. A 3000 word compare and contrast paper. (Homework in general)
2. Think about much at all

One person I want to see right now:

1. Laura

I have a show opening at the end of the month, so if anyone will be in the Chicago area and is interested, come see me. I'll post info soon.
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