This is the third damn time I've tried writing this fecker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway.... so is book burning illegeal or just condsidered a pollutant?
So.... ::clears throat adn sings off key:: I AM HOME AGAIN! OH YES HOME AGAIN! OH BLOODY HELL I'M-wait- is that even a song? Damn it.
Amusing this one- ANTI
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Any more absurd talk about myself in a Muggle cartoon setting will see you in stitches. Literally.
Will keep that in mind. Even though there would be the chance of you needing a side kick thus ::cough:: Harry ::end cough:: and you cavorting about in Spandex. I'm sure you'd both have fun with that. Shall shut up now before MORE nasty images infiltrate my mind
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