Right I'm sorry that I haven't updated in so long. I have been really slack, I know that I said I would try to update at least once a week, more often if I possibly could - Ooops! I will try to do better, the reason is that not much has been happening recently, I 'm trying to save money for Christmas, with so much to pay for with presents, travelling home to see the folks, new year, etc, etc, its an expensive time of year. But I have managed most of my presents and also bought my ticket to go see Jake next weekend - first time we will have seen eachother in 6 weeks!
Apart from that, I went out for Halloween dressed as a fallen angel, here are some pics:-
It was a wicked night, I personally think I looked amazing! :oP but feel free to compliment me too....hehehehehe fish fish fish.....
What else have I been up to? Well there is this event in the UK called Children In Need which is a telathon raising money for...you guessed it, Children In Need (the clue is in the name if you think about it....hehehe). Anyway, I had the fun of taking pledges on the night, so much fun! I even took a pledge for £5.5 million!! It was an entire month's revenue from an internet dating sight called
www.themagicmaker.com - go visit it! Join for a month! then your money goes to help the little kiddies! Think of the kiddies! The founder and CEO called and said they wanted to donate and I was like - thats amazing, I just need to get my supervisor because I don't know how to take that much money....so go visit!!
After we had done the telathon we all went out to a gay bar and danced and danced and danced - I had a great night cos I was so hyped up over the big donation I just went mental on the dancefloor and had loads of guys throwing themselves at me! LOL....such a good night.
And I went to my friend Donna's 21st Birthday party on Monday night that was cool. I didn't know many people there but it was still a really good night.
Oh and I went to see Harry Potter. Twice. It's very good!!
Gonna make the effort to update some family stuff tomorrow. So for now cheerio...