Ah, my favorite weekend of the year. We were back at the Radisson in Chelmsford again, which made it feel even more like coming home. (All weekend, I heard stories about the staff telling people that they were very glad we were back and I talked with a few after the convention who told me the same thing.) The weather cooperated this year, too, and it was always nice to see people that I really don't see very much anymore, some of whom are wearing awesome costuming.
I was in
ambug666's Triple Blind where I played...no, there is too much, let me sum up...no, can't do that either. "Come to a party full of diplomatic intrigue. This one hour experimental game creates characters from three sets of randomly chosen backgrounds: a base identity, a group or organization, and a cover identity." Okay, the actual intrigue changed about every five minutes and there was an awful lot of laughter, including the GM. It took some quick thinking and a good dollop of improv to both combine the three sets of backgrounds and then deal with everyone else's rationalizations and revelations.
I also managed to get a spot in Alleged Entertainment's Resonance. I had heard a number of good things about it from earlier runs and the twist on the typical "amnesia" game was refreshing. I just went back and read the blurb and realized that I had forgotten about what premise there was which made it even more interesting. This game unfolded slowly so there really was a lot of time to reflect on the situation...and then come to terms with your own character's role in bringing it about. Or, actually, who you ended up being. As the "amnesia" dissipated, the actions you made in the game determined who your character actually was. There were lots of possible results there as well. The GMs, in the post-game discussion afterwards that some characters had more active roles in bringing Some characters had more active roles in the overall story but all of the characters were involved.
Slight spoiler: My eventual character was, well, there's that saying that goes something like all that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing. Yeah, that was who I ended up with.
So, interestingly, both LARPs I played in this week were different kinds of improv opportunities. The former turned into a slapstick Marx Brothers farce and the latter was a dark apocalyptic drama. Both were really great.
I only played in those two LARPs during the convention. I spent a good chunk of time schmoozing with people, catching up and gossiping, and the rest of the time, with a lot of other great people, Making Intercon HappenTM and Making Intercon WorkTM, which was great in it's own way.
People told me that they had a great time and I did, too. Drove home late in the afternoon on Sunday spent and had some quality time with
citabria, who couldn't make it and finally, as several people suggested to me, got a good night's sleep. Intercon is always too short.
(I found myself in a weirdly grumpy mood--as a result of things unrelated to Intercon--Friday evening and wasn't feeling too sociable, despite everyone arriving. I got over that and sincerely enjoyed the rest of the weekend and I think I apologized to everyone that I was not in the mood for then. Also, I haven't fallen asleep in mid-sentence in a while now but I did that on Saturday afternoon. Which was good because that was a long day and I was able to stay alert for my evening game.)