Tarot Cards
Mister Teeks
mr_teacups I am Teacups, Lord of Kitty Toys and Playfulness. I have a mom, a brother and sister that aren't my relatives, and 4 humans. All in my power. Hehehe. I say play with me. PLAY WITH ME NOW. Or I make up nutty poems that persuade the humans to play with me. Cats are the best animals in the world in my opinion. I've never seen a dog. But I like watching the giant mouse through his bars. I was in a bars once. It was like a big container bars. Actually it was really small. Oh ne3ver mind. I can't remember it so well. I am glad I live with my mom. Her name is Mattie. Then there are Padma and Oj. I also like going outside. Birdies to eat. Yum.
Divinatory Meanings: Whut is a divanatory meaning??
Reversed: Me, in reverse? Oh yeah: blablabla bla bla blablabla bla bla blablabla, boring stuff!
Oboy: I AM MYSELF. HOORAY. YAHOO. *meyow meyow* *signs off the category*
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