December already! Moomy told me soon Santa Claws will come and give all the humans and kitties presents. I want some squeaky catnip mousies, a string, and a cat-bed for me and Mommy to sleep in. Christmastime is so exciting - already, here its only THREE DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS!
mrtubbs sent a package to us, for Winter Solstice. It was yeserday. Inside were 3 squeaky mousies, and a ball-on-a-spring! Then, on Solstice Eve, Big-Mommy piled 2 boxes on top of one another and made a Kitty Tower! Only kitties can go on it! Then she put the ball-on-a-spring on the top, and I climbed right up there and began batting it around!
There's 1 bad part: I already lost all my mousies. I told Big-Mommy that she would have to go get them because she threw them. So we lost them. Maybe Mommy or Uncle Oj or Auntie Padma thought it was a REAL MOUSE, picked it up, and took it outside somewhere. Next spring I'll find out - I'll be able to go outside! *hops from paw to paw*
Uh-oh. Mommy's about to fall asleep and it's 12:20 as I write. 12:20 is Tip Over Water Dish Time, and when Mommy falls asleep its my job to go attack her. Maybe I'll ask Auntie Padma to tip it over, but she's outside and - Uh-oh! Naptime!