Name: Sylar Gabriel Gray
Canon: Heroes
Canon Point: Post-series, so he's a hero now.
More Info:
History and
Profile [OOC]
Backtagging: Sure.
Threadhopping: If it makes sense, yes.
Fourthwalling: Perfectly fine in humorous/crack threads. And if you fourthwall him, he'll love knowing he's so famous and special across all dimensions and fandoms.
Mun and Muse over 21: Yes.
[IC (May not apply to crack threads of course)]
Hugging this character: Go for it. He'd accept the hug and then try to brush it off as nothing even though he'd be turning a shade of pink.
Kissing this character: That's fine. He'd freeze with shock and start blushing. He may act all tough but deep down he's still Gabriel, the shy watchmaker.
Flirting with this character: Have fun trying. He doesn't know how to flirt (he knows how to manipulate, but he doesn't do that anymore). You might get a blush out of him though because he's not used to anyone noticing him.
Fighting with this character: Do you feel lucky, punk? Seriously though, that's fine. He's OP but I know how to tone him down enough to make an interesting fight between him and others with abilities. If your character doesn't have any powers or their name isn't Jack Bauer though, I wouldn't attempt it.
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): Sure. He's got regeneration so the injuries won't last long though. But be prepared for retaliation.
Killing this character: Again, he's got regeneration, so that's almost impossible. Even so, please discuss any assassination attempts on Sylar with me beforehand, hehe.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: That's fine.
Notes: Sylar is usually played on the humorous, lighthearted side as he's now a good guy with a decent life. He can still get all snarky and serious when the situation calls for it though. Just don't expect a serial killer unless it's in a meme or flashback or something like that. Het is preferred for romance but will make an exception for slash with canonmate Mohinder Suresh.
Get your own copy of the IC/OOC Permissions meme!)
Also, if any muses would like to leave a message for Sylar, they can do that here.